
Home > Papers > Security / Inequality > The Euro-Atlantic security order and the war in Ukraine (Patricia Daehnhardt)

The Euro-Atlantic security order and the war in Ukraine (Patricia Daehnhardt)

Abstract: “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sealed the collapse of the European security order created after 1991, the end of peace and the return of war in Europe. In its place, a confrontational international disorder is emerging, characterized by the weakening of the rules-based international order and the ideological crystallization between democracies and autocracies. The article assesses how the US and the EU have responded to the war in Ukraine while forging a new transatlantic security architecture. While this war has already shattered the European post-Cold War order, it may become the prelude to the first war of the ongoing power transition between the United States and China.”

Keywords: Ukraine war, NATO, the transatlantic security community, power transition


 The Euro-Atlantic security order and the war in Ukraine


About the author
Patricia Daehnhardt is Researcher at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations of NOVA University of Lisbon (IPRI-NOVA), and Advisor at the National Defense Institute, in Lisbon |

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